Monday, April 4, 2011


Well, the bean is getting braver. Her walking is quickly improving and she now ventures onto the hardwood floors and around corners (see below). Mommy's getting a workout chasing the Busybelle and keeping her off the furniture! We can't wait to get to Colorado so Daddy can chase and Mommy can cheer (feet propped up, of course, and lemonade in hand)...

Other adorably newsworthy anecdotes of late include:

* When Izzy looks up (no less than 5x/day) from playing and blurts out "da-DA!" while sticking her finger westward as far as it'll reach. It's pretty much the cutest. Ever. Yep, Izzy, Daddy's still in Colorado... we get to see him SOON!
* Walking into her classroom to find her at the sink, by herself, scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing her hands in the sink. SO CUTE!
* Sweeping after food fights- uh, I mean meals- now that Wolfie doesn't act as the resident vacuum cleaner. Oh wait, this is NOT an exceptionally adorable anecdote.
* Isabelle "dancing" to any and all music with her huge (relatively speaking) cloth diapered bottom bopping up and down...

Those are a few highlights of the week. Now for some eye candy...


  1. Thanks, Christy, this is really incredible. Wow, walking like a champ. She has such good understanding of what you say to her. This truly amazes me.

  2. Way to go, Iz! Next thing you know she'll be running marathons like her folks!

  3. LOVE the eye candy! And, as to Jen's comment - she better start out on short, slow training runs with Grandpa AB.
