Friday, April 22, 2011

Siren Prayers

A highlight of motherhood thus far:

Tuesday afternoon when we got home, we settled onto the living room rug to play, as usual. Living around the corner from the fire department definitely has its perks (I never have to worry about our house burning to the ground!) but it also means that we get several sirens every day-- or night, as the case may be.

Predictably, just before dinner we heard the sirens start. Predictably, Isabelle started sirening right along with the ambulance. However, unpredictably, and before I even had a chance to mention it, she simultaneously folded her hands, ready to pray for those people with owies. So we prayed- me with words, Iz with howling, but we prayed and prayed as those fire trucks and ambulances zoomed off to take care of the people who needed it.

After we finished howling- er, praying, I thanked God for this chance to be a mother. My one-year old prompting me to pray for the people in the ambulance was one of the most poignant experiences I've had so far, and I am humbled and amazed by this child, and who God has made her to be. What an honor, to be entrusted with such a treasure, and to help guide her on her journey in faith and in life. I have a feeling I have much to learn about childlike faith in the coming years and I cannot WAIT.


  1. Wonderful ... she is living up to her middle name!

  2. How precious, and yes, we do learn much from our children, both tiny and as they grow!!
